Flash Fiction Day 8: A balloon, a ball, balustrades.

 Prompt: A balloon, a ball, balustrades.

Adults will often wonder how toys get out of their storage spaces and assume it was the children. Children always move the toys around all over the house and rarely bother to put them away when playtime is over. This is how the fairies get away with their messaging system. Sometimes, the houses they live in are too big for them to run and fly around without getting tired or noticed. This particular house was three stories tall, and much too large for the fairies to find each other to communicate at all times. They have a finely orchestrated system where the fairies on the top floors will drop a ball through the balustrades, and the ones downstairs will read the tiny notes scribbled on the toy. In turn, the fairies downstairs will respond using a helium balloon carefully tied to something or another to prevent it from flying away. It might be difficult for the humans to grab balloons stuck to the ceiling, but it’s no trouble for our magical, winged friends. If you ever wonder how the toys keep getting misplaced in everybody’s absence, it might just be that you have special guests living in your home.


This was a fun one to write! Tell it to the children in your life and tell me what they think. I hope they still believe in magic. 


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